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Funding and Financing Research and Innovation

Funding models for research and innovation are inherently linked to debates on economic development, technology catch-up, and leapfrogging, with innovation considered a key transmission mechanism. It is widely accepted that a nation’s economic growth depends on its capacity to educate, innovate, and build.

This project examines new approaches to funding research and innovation in Africa, highlighting efforts to improve efficiency and effectiveness in response to decreasing funding from traditional sources. It finds that the importance of research and innovation is rated as medium to high in most African countries, with institutional and policy provisions for science, technology, and innovation (STI) increasing. New funding models, such as partnerships, co-funding, and multi-disciplinary approaches, have been developed to optimize resource use.

However, challenges like insufficient political will, lack of implementation plans, and uncoordinated STI efforts hinder progress. The project offers recommendations for science granting councils, governments, and other sectors to leverage global resources and strengthen funding throughout the research and innovation process.

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