• Location:Second Floor, Karen Plains Arcade
  • Phone:+254 020 2173433
  • Email:info@scinnovent.org

Support for Strategic Communication and Uptake of Knowledge Output

The project was lead by The Scinnovent Centre, collaborating with Science Africa in Kenya and the African Association of Universities (AAU) in Ghana. This initiative, aims to enhance SGCs’ knowledge management and strategic communication capabilities to foster better science and technology policy-making across the continent

1. Communication with the Private Sector Training
In March 2018, the Scinnovent Centre in conjunction with the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization (STIPRO) and the Association of African Universities (AAU) under the auspices of the Science Granting Councils Initiative in Africa (SGCI) organized a regional training workshop for Science Granting Councils on the theme “Communication with the Private Sector.” The overall objective of the training was to enhance the capacity of the Councils to catalyze and facilitate knowledge exchange and collaborative partnerships amongst actors in the innovation system, particularly the academia and private sector.

2. Knowledge Management & Communication Strategies Virtual Creative Workshop
A two-day virtual workshop took place from November 10–11, 2020, bringing together 34 stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including science council members, scientists, ministry officials, and partner organizations. Among the attendees were representatives from the SGCI Initiative Management Team, the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO), and funders like the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The workshop’s importance was to enable councils to address communication gaps, improve knowledge management, and integrate gender inclusion strategies into their operations. To allow councils to track and report scientific developments, ensuring that research informs policy and benefits society broadly.

3. Re-design and revamping of the SGCI website
We worked closely with NRF and IMT on re-designing and revamping the SGCI website.

4. Regional Meetings and the Annual Forum
Supported Councils in planning and convening regional meetings and the annual fora.

Blog Articles:

5. The art of influencing policy change workshop
Held on 25th -27th April, 2022 Mombasa, Kenya. Bringing together representatives from various science granting councils (SGCs) across Africa. The workshop aimed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to effectively translate scientific research outcomes into actionable policy advice for governments and stakeholders. This capacity-building event marked a significant step toward strengthening the role of SGCs in guiding evidence-based policy-making across the continent. The workshop provided an environment for participants to learn essential strategies to bridge the divide between research and policy.

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