• Location:Second Floor, Karen Plains Arcade
  • Phone:+254 020 2173433
  • Email:info@scinnovent.org

Our Story

Our stories can be traced back to late 2007 starting with a group of young African post-graduate students undertaking their doctoral studies in the diaspora (Europe, Asia, New Zealand and North America) who were concerned about the potential contribution that the young professionals could make to African development. The group held several brainstorming sessions, discussing how the training and knowledge they were gaining could be channelled to bring change in Africa. These discussions repeatedly highlighted the limited opportunities available to the youth and young professionals to contribute to contemporary developmental and policy debates. In early 2010, after operating in loose association sharing information and exchanging ideas with colleagues back in the continent, a decision was reached to concretize the “research/working group” into a viable institution that can champion the issues/concerns identified by the members. Finally in 2011, The Scinnovent Centre was incorporated in Kenya as a not-for-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to policy research and training linking science, innovation and enterprise.

Our mission

Equipping policymakers, researchers and business practitioners with the knowledge, tools and skills that enhance their capabilities for innovation, decision-making and wealth creation.


To be the leading policy think tank linking science, innovation and enterprise for development in Africa.

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