Biotechnology: Eastern African Perspectives on Sustainable Development and Trade Policy


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The central theme of this book explores the intersection of trade and biotechnology policies and their contribution to sustainable development, with a particular focus on Eastern Africa. These issues lie at the core of ongoing debates about the potential role of biotechnology in addressing some of Africa’s developmental challenges, especially food security and ecosystem sustainability.


The central theme of this book explores the intersection of trade and biotechnology policies and their contribution to sustainable development, with a particular focus on Eastern Africa. These issues lie at the core of ongoing debates about the potential role of biotechnology in addressing some of Africa’s developmental challenges, especially food security and ecosystem sustainability. Sub-Saharan Africa is grappling with widespread food crises, much of which is attributed to stagnant or sluggish growth in the agricultural sector. Environmental degradation, driven by increased deforestation rates, biodiversity loss, and a decline in investment in agriculture—particularly in technology development and transfer—further exacerbates the situation. The benefits of biotechnology, particularly agricultural biotechnology, are now at the forefront of global interest due to their significant potential to enhance agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. Numerous scientific studies highlight biotechnology's promise as a tool for development and its potential to address Africa’s pressing challenges.


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