Foresight in Science, Technology and Innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa

February 2023


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The Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI) commissioned a study to explore STI foresight in 17 African countries, focusing on experiences and capacity needs to enhance STI policymaking. The study highlights the need to institutionalize and build capacity for foresight to improve policy effectiveness, prioritize R&D investments, anticipate technological advancements, and strengthen innovation systems in the region.


The Science Granting Councils Initiative (SGCI), encompassing 17 countries in Eastern, Southern, and Western Africa, commissioned a study by Enterprises University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd (EUP) to examine experiences and capacity needs for Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) foresight in the region. The study aimed to identify measures to institutionalize STI foresight (STIF) to support STI policy initiatives. The findings emphasize the importance of institutionalizing and building capacity for STI foresight to enhance policymaking and implementation in SGCI member countries. Foresight improves the quality and effectiveness of STI policies by directing limited resources toward priority R&D activities, anticipating technological advancements, and strengthening innovation systems.


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