This Masterclass paper, commissioned by Scinnovent, examines strategies to enhance the capacity of Science Granting Councils (SGCs) to design and implement inclusive, multimodal public engagement approaches. It focuses on leveraging emerging digital and social media technologies to promote women's participation in science and foster public engagement. This paper reviews and documents the level of inclusivity in the public engagement initiatives of participating Science Granting Councils (SGCs), aligned with the pillars of inclusivity outlined in the terms of reference. It seeks to identify the skills and capacities of SGCs to institutionalize and implement gender-inclusive public engagement initiatives within their policies and frameworks. Additionally, it explores best practices in inclusive digital communication to enhance and transform the public engagement approaches of SGCs. The paper also aims to develop and recommend an inclusive, multimodal, contextualized, and innovative public engagement framework, complete with a clearly defined impact framework and theory of change.
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