• Location:Second Floor, Karen Plains Arcade
  • Phone:+254 020 2173433
  • Email:info@scinnovent.org

Science, innovation & enterprise in Africa.

We are a non-partisan, non-political policy research and training Centre incorporated in Kenya as a not-for-profit company in 2011. Our work focuses on creating and harnessing value from the synergies of science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship to solve societal problems. Our work focuses on three main themes namely: (i) Policies and legal frameworks that influence the creation of value from science, technology and innovation (ii) Institutional and behavioral change including the rules, norms, attitudes and mindsets and (iii) Competencies and Capabilities i.e. the skill sets – including the technical, organizational and managerial skills - required to turn science, technology and innovations into businesses and social enterprises.

Our Vision

To be the leading policy think tank linking science, innovation and enterprise for development in Africa.

Our Mission

Equipping policymakers, researchers and business practitioners with the knowledge, tools and skills that enhance their capabilities for innovation, decision-making and wealth creation.

Our Motto

Linking societal needs with scientific and technological means through entrepreneurship.

Our Core Objectives

Our work is guided by three strategic objectives:

Generating evidence that supports policy and decision-making

Our research explores the challenges and opportunities presented by scientific, technological, institutional and governance changes and provide end-users and decision-makers with evidence-based policy options.

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Strengthening skills and shaping attitudes

We provide appropriate knowledge, up-to-date information, best practices, tools and hands-on skills on policy analysis, innovation management and knowledge translation.

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Facilitating interactive learning, networking and dialogue

We design and deliver interactive sessions and learning experiences that allow actors to explore new knowledge, embrace new ways of doing their work and adopt innovative ways of organizing to achieve better results.

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